Voodoo PrimaThis beautiful instrument just arrived. I will post a review in short order, but here are a few pictures to get you started. This particular bass was built in 1996 and I feel very lucky to have come across it.

Beautifully quilted and bookmatched maple facings over a walnut core.

Handmade in Canada, exactly as the label says.

The craftsmanship is amazing!

Yes, those are Sperzel locking tuners!

Each instrument is signed by Sheldon Dingwall.

The obligatory art shot...

I will only say one thing about this bass, for now. It leaves me with a mental image of Sheldon hitting a block of wood with a mallet for many, many hours to get it to sound just right. Sand it a bit, then hit it again. And again. It seems that he got it right...

Finally, the whole family together.